Bear has been affectionately nicknamed Bruce and Munch. This boy loves to eat and snatched a burger right out of...
Archive for Project Category: Dogs
Gunner- Adopted 12/2019

Gunner is a brilliant and precious boy. We do have some work to do….as Gunner actually acts surprised when you...
Josie – Adopted 10/2019

In such a short period of time, Josie has become an integral part of our lives here. Laura and I...
Hope (Sandy) – Adopted 09/2019

We are truly in love with this girl (whom they have renamed Hope). She is so sweet and so affectionate....
Maggie – Adopted 09/2019
She has done well. Still a bit of the cough/hack thing, but not as much. She has dropped 5 pounds...
Joe – Adopted 09/2019
Joe is the greatest little buddy a guy can ask for! He loves his walks and devours food bowls! He...
Juliet – Adopted 09/2019
Everything is going wonderful. She has easily fit into our house and into our family. She loves playing with our...
Eli – Adopted 09/2019
Eli’s adoption is causing smiles all around! His new family says “Eli is doing great. He’s a very happy little...
Luna – Adopted 08/2019
Just wanted to send a couple pictures of Luna (artist previously known as Courtney) settling in. She has quickly become...
Bilbo – Adopted 06/2019
Bilbo is doing amazing. We have begun one-on-one obedience training and some socialization, which will be an uphill battle. But,...