Foster Name
Email Address
Dog's Name
Age or Date of Birth
Current Weight in lbs.
Gender —Please choose an option—MaleFemale
Date of last exam:
Date of Last Rabies shots:
Next Rabies shot due:
Date of Last DA2PL-Parvo shot:
Next DA2PL-Parvo shot due:
Date of Last Distemper shot:
Next Distemper shot due:
Date of last Bordetella shot:
Next Bordetella shot due:
What Heart worm Preventative:
When is the next Heart worm Preventative treatment due:
Which flea/tick control:
When is the next flea/tick control treatment due:
Does the dog have any known allergies? NoYes If Yes, Please Explain:
Does the dog have any chronic health issues? NoYes If Yes, Please Explain:
Is the dog on any special medications? NoYes If Yes, Please Explain:
Has the dog ever bitten a person hard enough to break the skin while in your care? NoYes
Please explain the situation in which the bite incident occurred.
Tell us about the dog's favorite toys and activities?
What is the energy level of the dog? —Please choose an option—Low - Couch PotatoMedium - Keeps pace with me during walks, likes to playHigh - Keeps pace with me running, then on to the dog park, go go go Is the dog ever destructive(i.e. chewing, digging, etc)? NoYes If Yes, Please Explain Does the dog bark a lot? NoYes If Yes, Please Explain How did the dog react around small children? Did the dog live with other dogs? NoYes If Yes, How did the dog interact with them? How did the dog react around other dogs outside the home? Has the dog lived with cats? NoYes If Yes, How does the dog interact with them? Does the dog have any issues going up and down steps/stairs? NoYes If Yes, Please Explain Where does the dog sleep at night? Additional questions about your dog Is the dog aggressive with people over food or treats? NoYesN/A Is the dog aggressive with people over toys? NoYesN/A Is the dog aggressive with other pets over food or treats? NoYesN/A Is the dog aggressive with other pets over toys? NoYesN/A Is the dog house trained? NoYesN/A Is the dog crate trained? NoYesN/A Is the dog accustomed to walking on a leash? NoYesN/A Is the dog frightened by thunderstorms? NoYesN/A Does the dog have any issues going up and down steps/stairs? NoYesN/A Is the dog a good traveler? NoYesN/A Is the dog usually crated when riding in a car? NoYesN/A Did you have the dogs nails trimmed? NoYes If Yes, What was the experience like? Some dogs have sensitive areas i.e. old injuries, arthritis, etc. that puts the dog in pain when picked up. Others do not have trust that allows them to be picked up. Can your dog be picked up? If not, please describe in detail the circumstances. What makes this dog adoptable, funny, quirky, anything that makes him or her stand out. I.E. - likes to go for rides. Hates the car. Likes to be groomed, Hates to be groomed. How would you describe the dog's personality, temperament and behavior? Any additional information you would like to add? PLEASE INCLUDE TWO UPDATED DIGITAL PICTURES OF THE DOG. Ensure the entire dog can be seen including body, legs and face. We use these pictures to send out to the potential adopters. Whole body picture (2mb max file size) Close up of Face Picture (2mb max file size)